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Transylvanian Triage
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Log #7: Getting back into it
August 07, 2023
Donutstream Games
One of the main points of this devlog is to keep me working on the project, and put some pressure on me to create stuff to post about. These last two weeks, I've continued working on the project, but...
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Log #6: Coding the patients
July 22, 2023
Donutstream Games
One of the main coding challenges when making this game is patient generation. Except for getting a random face, there are a number of parameters to each person. The main structure is as follows: The...
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Log #5: More diseases
July 14, 2023
Donutstream Games
So far, I have come up with about eight different diseases that I want to incorporate into the game. I try to keep them quite silly, as to not give the game a too serious feeling. Several of them are...
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Log #4: Patients
July 10, 2023
Donutstream Games
My initial thought for the patients was that their faces would be composed of different parts that would be randomly combined. For example, a patient would get wavy big hair, a monobrow, tired eyes, a...
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Log #3: The waiting room
July 07, 2023
Donutstream Games
#Game art, #Game mechanics
The waiting room will be the backdrop to the main game mechanism: This is where the patients will come each day to be screened. They sit in the waiting room, waiting to be sent into a diagnostics room...
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Log #2: The backstory
July 06, 2023
Donutstream Games
#Story, #Plot
After a long journey, you finally arrive in the old village where your ancestors lived, in the deep forests of Transylvania. Your great grandfather, Albert van Healthing, had a successful career here...
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Log #1: Establishing an art style and setting the tone
July 04, 2023
Donutstream Games
#game art
I am starting this devlog by giving you a sense of what kind of world I want to create. An important aspect of the game will be an old grimoire handed down to you from your great grandfather, where he...
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