Log #2: The backstory

After a long journey, you finally arrive in the old village where your ancestors lived, in the deep forests of Transylvania. Your great grandfather, Albert van Healthing, had a successful career here aiding the townspeople with supernatural afflictions and mystical ailments, and now you've come to follow in his footsteps. Even though the local hospital doesn't tend to these kinds of illnesses, they are aware of their existence, and do not hesitate to refer people to your clinic. With the help of your great grandfather's old grimoire, you delve into these mysteries and do your best to help the community.

For generations, the villagers have lived side by side with vampires, werewolves, ghosts and other unspeakable horrors, but in these modern times they are starting to doubt the supernatural. Because of their lack of faith and fear of being ridiculed, they are not going to tell you straight up about any of their more... unusual symptoms. Instead, you have to rely on your judgement and a staff of skillful paranormal medical investigators.

You start out small, with just a couple of clients per day, and you spend the workday diagnosing them to find out what ails them. When the shift is over, you have to analyze the information you have gathered, and refer the patients to a suitable treatment. As your reputation increases, you will get more clients and discover a wider range of diseases. To be able to tackle the increased pressure, you will have to upgrade your clinic with more analysis methods and befriend villagers who can offer relief for the patients.

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